Terms and conditions

Law on Information Society Services (LSSI)

Mallorca Vacacional, in charge of the website, hereinafter the RESPONSIBLE, makes this document available to users, by means of which it intends to comply with the obligations contained in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), as well as to inform all users of the website of the conditions of use.

All persons accessing this website shall be considered as users, who undertake to strictly observe and comply with the provisions herein, as well as any other provision contained in the applicable laws.

Mallorca Vacacional, reserves the right to modify any type of information that appears on the website. In this sense, any modification will be communicated from the website itself, without the need to give prior notice or inform users of such modifications.

Identification details

  • Owner: Daniel García Sánchez (Mallorca Vacacional)
  • Trade name: Mallorca Vacacional
  • Address: Carrer de l'Aliga, 3, 07400 Alcúdia, Illes Balears
  • Email: info@mallorcavacacional.com
  • Contact phone: +34 699 931 380 / +34 608 910 304
  • Website: mallorcavacacional.com


Through de mallorcavacacional.com, we offer users the possibility to access information about our services.

Privacy and data processing

In the event that users access certain contents or services for which it is essential to provide personal data, users shall guarantee their truthfulness, authenticity, accuracy and validity. The company will give these data the corresponding automated treatment according to their nature or purpose, in the terms established in the Privacy Policy section.

Industrial and intellectual property

Users must recognize and accept that all the contents of the website are subject to intellectual property rights, especially the designs, texts, images, logos, icons, software, commercial name, brands, or any other sign susceptible of commercial and/or industrial use, as well as all brands, commercial names or distinctive signs, industrial and intellectual property rights, on the contents and/or any other elements contained on the website, which are the exclusive property of the company and/or third parties, who have the right to use them exclusively in the course of trade.

In this sense, users undertake not to reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, transform or modify the contents found on the website. Otherwise, they shall be liable in the event of non-compliance with these obligations.

The access allowed to users to the content of the website does not imply a waiver, licence, transmission or transfer of the rights of Daniel García Sánchez (Mallorca Vacacional), except in the cases expressly provided for.

The General Conditions of use of the website do not grant users rights of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the website or its contents, other than those expressly provided for. Any use or exploitation of the rights must be previously authorized by the responsible entity.

The company is the owner of all the contents integrated on the website, so that they are protected by copyright established in the intellectual property law, or if not, it has explicit authorization for the use of the different elements in question. Likewise, the content of this website may not be reproduced, transmitted, or registered, unless permission or authorization has been granted in writing by the Owner.

Finally, it is strictly forbidden to alter or remove copyright or technical protection devices or other information tools included in the contents.

Thus, the user of mallorcavacacional.com must undertake to respect the aforementioned rights, failing which the company reserves the right to take appropriate legal action in defence of its legitimate interests.

Obligations and responsibilities of the user on the website

The user undertakes to:

  • To make appropriate and lawful use of the website and the contents and services found therein, in accordance with the legislation applicable at all times, the General Conditions of use of the website, generally accepted morals and customs and public order.
  • To provide all the means and technical requirements necessary to be able to access the website.
  • Provide truthful information when filling in the forms contained on the website with their personal data, as well as updating them when appropriate. In this regard, the user shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damage caused to the company or third parties as a result of the information provided.

The user shall also avoid:

  • Make unauthorized or fraudulent use of the website and/or its contents for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in these General Conditions of Use, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or which may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the services or the documents, files and contents stored in any computer equipment.
  • Attempting to access or accessing restricted areas of the website without complying with the conditions required for such access.
  • Attempt to damage or cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the website, its suppliers or third parties.
  • Introduce into the network computer viruses or other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the company, suppliers or third parties.
  • Access, use and/or manipulate the data of the company, suppliers, third parties or other users.
  • Transform or modify the contents of the website.
  • Modify, hide or delete the content of intellectual or industrial property rights and other data identifying the rights of the company or third parties.
  • Manipulate, disable or remove technical protection devices.
  • Attempting to obtain or obtaining the contents of the website by using means or procedures other than those available or normally used on the Internet because they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the website or its contents.
  • Likewise, the user undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties, information, data or any content that is contrary to, undermines or infringes the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS and PUBLIC FREEDOMS recognized in the Spanish Constitution, in International Treaties and in the rest of the regulations in force.
  • The user shall likewise undertake not to induce, incite or promote criminal actions or actions contrary to law, morality or public order.
  • Nor may it induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions in any field.
  • The user shall undertake not to incite illegal or dangerous practices that could lead to a risk to health or mental equilibrium.
  • The user must refrain from carrying out any act that is contrary to the honour, privacy and self-image of persons protected in article 18.1 of the Spanish Constitution.
  • No virus or programme may be introduced that prevents the normal or usual operation of the website.

Likewise, if you are asked to obtain a key or password in order to access the content or services of our website, the user is obliged to use it diligently, and must keep it secret, as the user will be responsible for its custody, confidentiality and use.

Otherwise, the user is obliged to inform the company of any misuse of the password, such as theft, loss or unauthorised access, so that the password can be cancelled. If such notification is not made to the company, it will be exempt from any liability or any unlawful use made of the contents or services of the website by third parties.

Likewise, if the user negligently or fraudulently breaches the obligations established in these General Conditions of Use, he/she shall be liable for all damages caused to the company.


In the event of difficulties or interruptions in the website that are beyond the control of the Owner, neither continued access nor the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained on the website is guaranteed.

Likewise, the Owner shall not be liable for any decisions that may be taken as a result of accessing the contents or information offered on the website.

The Owner has the right and duty to interrupt any service if it detects improper use or use contrary to the General Conditions of Use contained on the website. Likewise, it may terminate the relationship with the user in the event of improper use of the website.

The Owner shall not be liable for any damages, losses, claims or expenses arising from the use of the website.

The Owner only undertakes to remove content that causes damage to the user, if the user makes the appropriate notification and request.

The company shall not be liable for damages of any nature arising from the misuse of the services freely available and use by users. Neither shall it be liable for the content and information received as a result of the data collection forms, which are intended exclusively for the provision of services of doubts and queries. If these services are used in an unlawful manner and this causes damages, the Owner may claim for all damages caused.

The user shall be the only person responsible for any damage or harm resulting from claims, actions or demands made by third parties as a result of their access to and use of the website.

In the event of damages resulting from "robots", "spiders" or "crawlers" or other similar mechanisms used to collect or extract data that place an unreasonable burden on the operation of the website, the user shall be liable to pay compensation for the damages caused.


The user may not reproduce the website or its content, under any circumstances, or by means of hyperlinks, except with the express written authorisation of the data controller.

The website may include hyperlinks to other websites, not managed by the Owner of this website but by third parties, in order to facilitate the user's access to information from collaborating entities. In this sense, the company will not be responsible for the information or content of those pages, nor will it be liable for them in any case.

Through the web space, users are granted a limited, revocable and non-exclusive right to create links on the main page of the website, but only for private, non-commercial use.

The company may request the removal of any link placed on the website, and the user must immediately remove it.

Data protection

In the interest of data protection, the user must provide personal data in order to use some of our services. The company will process this data in an automated manner and will apply the appropriate security measures in compliance with the regulations relating to the protection of personal data. For this purpose, it will be governed by REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) or, in simplified form, GDPR, as well as by Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, or LOPDGDD, and by Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, or LSSI.

In the Privacy Policy section, you can see the policy followed for the processing of personal data.


The company reserves the right to use "cookies" technology on the website, with the intention of recognizing you as a regular user and personalizing the use you make of the website, preselecting the language among other more specific content.

In this sense, cookies collect the user's IP address, with Google being responsible for the processing of this information.

Cookies are files sent to a browser, by means of a web server, to record the user's browsing on the website, when the user allows them to be received. If you wish, you can configure your browser to be notified on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive.

Thanks to cookies, it is possible to recognize the browser of the computer used by the user in order to provide content and offer the user's browsing or advertising preferences, as well as to measure visits and traffic parameters, monitor progress and number of entries.

Declarations and guarantees

In general, the contents and services offered on the website are for information purposes only. Therefore, by offering them, no warranty or representation is given in relation to the contents and services offered on the website itself, including, but not limited to, warranties of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, or merchantability, except to the extent that such representations and warranties cannot be excluded by law.

Force majeure

In the event of prolonged interruptions in relation to electricity supply, telecommunications lines, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government and other social conflicts involving acts of force majeure or acts of God, the company shall not be liable for the impossibility of providing services.

Dispute resolution, applicable law and jurisdiction

The General Conditions of Use contained on the website, as well as its use, shall be governed by current Spanish legislation.

To this effect, for the resolution of any dispute, the parties shall submit to the Courts and Tribunals where the registered office of the person responsible for the website is located.

In the event that any provision of these General Conditions of Use is declared null and void or unenforceable by a judicial or administrative decision or is declared null and void or unenforceable by virtue of the applicable legislation, this shall not entail the nullity or unenforceability of all the General Conditions of Use stipulated, only of those declared null and void or unenforceable.

If this is the case, the company will proceed to replace or modify the invalid stipulation with another valid and enforceable stipulation.

We value your privacy

We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. You can see more in our Cookies Policy

Essential (2)

These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our Website and to use some of its features, such as access to secure areas.

Analysis and customization (3)

These cookies collect information that is used in an aggregate way to help us understand how our website is used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website for you. .

Publicitarians (3)

These cookies are used to make advertising messages more relevant to you. They perform functions such as preventing the same ad from appearing continuously again, ensuring that advertisements are correctly displayed for advertisers and, in some cases, select advertisements that are based on their interests.

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